Transactional behaviour

DB-All.e operations are grouped into transactions, which succeed or fail as a complete unit, and can never be only partially complete.

Transaction processing is information processing in computer science that is divided into individual, indivisible operations called transactions. Each transaction must succeed or fail as a complete unit; it can never be only partially complete.


In Fortran, a transaction begins with idba_begin() and ends with idba_commit(). If idba_commit() is not called, all modifications done using that session handle will be discarded as if they had never happened. When idba_commit() is called, all modifications done using that session handle are saved and will be available for others to read.

For example, this code will print 0 and then 1:

idba_connect(dbhandle, "dbtype://info?wipe=true")

! Write some data
idba_begin(dbhandle, handle_write, "write", "write", "write")
! …

! Read it before calling idba_commit: the modifications are not yet visible
! outside the session that is writing them
idba_begin(dbhandle, handle_read, "read", "read", "read")
idba_query_data(handle_read, count)
print*, count

! Read if after calling idba_commit: the modifications are visible now
idba_begin(dbhandle, handle_read, "read", "read", "read")
idba_query_data(handle_read, count)
print*, count

SQLite specific limitations

SQLite does not support writing data while another session is reading it. This means that idba_commit() will exit with an error if there is a read session open. For example, this code will fail:

idba_begin(dbhandle, handle_write, "write", "write", "write")
idba_begin(dbhandle, handle_read, "read", "read", "read")
idba_commit(handle_write) ! fails: there is a read session open

and this code will work:

idba_begin(dbhandle, handle_write, "write", "write", "write")
idba_begin(dbhandle, handle_read, "read", "read", "read")
idba_commit(handle_write) ! succeeds: no read session is open