Arkimet runtime configuration

Environment variables

There are a number of environment variables that can be used to control arkimet.

You can use arki-dump --info to list the current configuration in machine-parsable JSON format.


Default: /etc/arkimet/format

Directory which contains Python scripts that can be used to customize how values are formatted when using --format kind of options.

The value provided will be searched before, not instead, the default value.


Default: /etc/arkimet/bbox

Directory which contains Python scripts that can be used to customize how bounding boxes are computed from Area metadata.

The value provided will be searched before, not instead, the default value.


Default: /usr/lib/arkimet

Directory which contains executable programs that can be used as postprocessors.

The value provided will be searched before, not instead, the default value.


Default: /etc/arkimet/qmacro

Directory which contains Python scripts that implement the available querymacro options.

The value provided will be searched before, not instead, the default value.


Default: /etc/arkimet/scan

Directory which contains Python scripts that compute metadata from raw input data.

The value provided will be searched before, not instead, the default value.

ARKI_SCAN_GRIB1, ARKI_SCAN_GRIB2, ARKI_SCAN_BUFR, ARKI_SCAN_ODIMH5 are also supported for compatibility with the past, but should be considered deprecated.


Default: unset.

When set, it is a pathname to a file where arkimet will write a log of I/O operations, used for performance debugging.


Default: 0 (no timeout)

Timeout (in seconds) used for write operations while programs like arki-query or arki-server are sending out data.