arki-server HTTP API


The argument to the &sort=… query argument specifies how to sort data in the output.

Its syntax is:


type can be one of origin, product, level, timerange, reftime, area, proddef, run, task, quantity, value. It specifies what metadata types are used for sorting.

Data will be sorted with the first type listed, and when it is the same by the second type listed, and so on.

Prefix the metadata type with a - to specify reverse sorting. For example: -reftime,product gives newer data first, and for data with the same reference time, sorting by product.

interval can be one of minute, hour, day, month, year. If specified, data are grouped together by the given interval, and only data within the same interval are sorted. Groups will be in increasing reftime order. This allows to avoid storing all data in memory for sorting, requiring only storage space for one group at a time. It also means that data can be streamed as soon as the first group has been collected and sorted, instead of waiting for all the query results to have been produced and sorted before beginning downloading the results.

arki-server urls


Shows an index with a link to all datasets

GET /config

Returns an arkimet configuration file with information on all datasets known by this instance of arki-server.

POST /qexpand

POST arguments:

  • query=<arkimet query>

Returns query with all aliases expanded with the alias database used by this instance of arki-server.

This is used by arki-query to verify that a query containing aliases is interpreted consistently across different systems.

GET /aliases

Returns the alias database used by this instance of arki-server.

POST /query

POST arguments:

  • query=<arkimet query>

  • qmacro=<same as arki-query --qmacro>

  • style=<see below>

  • sort=<same as arki-query --sort>

  • command=<postprocessing command>

Query data in all datasets, like an API version of arki-query.

Style control how the query results are returned, and can be one of:

  • metadata: return the metadata, in binary format

  • inline: return the metadata and the data, in binary format

  • data: return the data only

  • postprocess: postprocess using the given command. Any files uploaded will be made useable by the postprocessor

  • rep_metadata: return the output of the metadata report named by command

  • rep_summary: return the output of the summary report named by command

POST /summary

POST arguments:

  • query=<arkimet query>

  • style=<see below>

Query the merged summary of all datasets.

Style can be one of:

  • binary: return the summary in arkimet’s compact binary format

  • yaml: return the summary in yaml format

  • json: return the summary in json format

GET /dataset/<name>

Shows a page describing the dataset

POST /dataset/<name>/query

POST arguments:

  • query=<arkimet query>

  • style=<see below>

  • sort=<same as arki-query --sort>

  • command=<postprocessing command>

Query data in the given dataset, like an API version of arki-query.

Style control how the query results are returned, and can be one of:

  • metadata: return the metadata, in binary format

  • inline: return the metadata and the data, in binary format

  • data: return the data only

  • postprocess: postprocess using the given command. Any files uploaded will be made useable by the postprocessor

  • rep_metadata: return the output of the metadata report named by command

  • rep_summary: return the output of the summary report named by command

Deprecated: this endpoint is also available as GET only if style=postprocess for compatibility with an old client. Please only use POST instead of GET.

POST /dataset/<name>/summary

POST arguments:

  • query=<arkimet query>

  • style=<see below>

Query the summary of the given dataset.

Style can be one of:

  • binary: return the summary in arkimet’s compact binary format

  • yaml: return the summary in yaml format

  • json: return the summary in json format

POST /dataset/<name>/summaryshort

POST arguments:

  • query=<arkimet query>

  • style=<see below>

Query the summary of the given dataset, outputting only the list of all metadata values that exist in the query results.

Style can be one of:

  • binary: return the summary in arkimet’s compact binary format

  • yaml: return the summary in yaml format

  • json: return the summary in json format

GET /dataset/<name>/config

Returns an arkimet configuration file with the configuration for this dataset in this instance of arki-server.