Source code for arkimet.formatter.origin

from arkimet.formatter import Formatter
from arkimet.formatter.eccodes import GribTable
import os

# Load code table 0: Identification of centers
grib1_centres = GribTable.load(1, "0")

# Amend the table with the ARPAE SIMC information
grib1_centres.set(200, "arpa", "ARPAE SIMC Emilia Romagna")

[docs]def format_origin(v): """ Format an origin: return a string, or None to fall back to other formatters """ if v["style"] == "GRIB1": return "GRIB1 from {}, subcentre {}, process {}".format( grib1_centres.desc(v["centre"]), v["subcentre"], v["process"]) elif v["style"] == "GRIB2": # GRIB2 process types grib2_processtypes = GribTable.load(2, os.path.join("tables", "4", "4.3")) return "GRIB2 from {}, subcentre {}, type {}, background process {}, process {}".format( grib1_centres.desc(v["centre"]), v["subcentre"], grib2_processtypes.desc(v["process_type"]), v["background_process_id"], v["process_id"])
Formatter.register("origin", format_origin)