simple dataset format

This dataset contains segments (see Data segments) with minimal indexing.

It is useful for long-term storage of data, due to the small metadata overhead and simple structure.

The only query optimization it supports is when querying by a restricted date-time range.

Because of the lack of a detailed index, simple dataset cannot efficiently detect duplicate data on import, therefore that feature is not implemented. For the same reason, index and unique are not supported in the configuration.

Example configuration

type = simple
step = daily
filter = origin: GRIB1,200

Dataset layout

At the root of the dataset there is a MANIFEST file that lists the segments known to the dataset, together with their reference time spans. The MANIFEST file can be encoded in plain text or in a .sqlite database.

For each segment there is an associated .metadata file that contains metadata for all data in the segment. This makes it possible to select data according to a query, without needing to rescan it every time.

For each segment there is also an associated .summary file, that contains a summary of the data within the segment. This is intended to quickly filter out segments during a query without needing to scan through all the .metadata file contents, and to support summary queries by merging existing summaries instead of recomputing them for all data queried.

General check and repack notes

Since the dataset is intended for long-term archival, repack will never delete a data segment. All data segments found without a .metadata file or next to an empty .metadata file will always be rescanned.

Check and repack on concat segments

During check

  • the segment must be a file

  • the segment must exist [missing]

  • an empty segment not known by the index must be considered deleted [deleted]

  • all data known by the index for this segment must be present on disk [corrupted]

  • no pair of (offset, size) data spans from the index can overlap [corrupted]

  • data must start at the beginning of the segment [dirty]

  • there must be no gaps between data in the segment [dirty]

  • data must end at the end of the segment [dirty]

  • find segments that can only contain data older than archive age days [archive_age]

  • find segments that can only contain data older than delete age days [delete_age]

  • the span of reference times in each segment must fit inside the interval implied by the segment file name (FIXME: should this be disabled for archives, to deal with datasets that had a change of step in their lifetime?) [corrupted]

  • the segment name must represent an interval matching the dataset step (FIXME: should this be disabled for archives, to deal with datasets that had a change of step in their lifetime?) [corrupted]

  • data on disk must match the order of data used by queries [dirty]

  • segments not known by the index, but when the index is either missing, older than the file, or marked as needing checking, are marked for reindexing instead of deletion [unaligned]

  • format-specific consistency checks on the content of each file must pass [corrupted]

  • .metadata file must not be empty [unaligned]

  • .metadata file must not be older than the data [unaligned]

  • .summary file must not be older than the .metadata file [unaligned]

  • MANIFEST file must not be older than the .metadata file [unaligned]

  • if the index has been deleted, accessing the dataset recreates it empty, and a check will rebuild it. Until it gets rebuilt, segments not present in the index would not be considered when querying the dataset

  • metadata in the .metadata file must contain reference time elements [corrupted]

During --accurate check

During fix

  • [dirty] segments are not touched

  • [unaligned] segments are imported in-place

  • [missing] segments are removed from the index

  • [corrupted] segments can only be fixed by manual intervention. They are reported and left untouched

  • [archive age] segments are not touched

  • [delete age] segments are not touched

During repack

  • [dirty] segments are rewritten to be without holes and have data in the right order. In concat segments, this is done to guarantee linear disk access when data are queried in the default sorting order. In dir segments, this is done to avoid sequence numbers growing indefinitely for datasets with frequent appends and removes.

  • [missing] segments are removed from the index

  • [corrupted] segments are not touched

  • [archive age] segments are repacked if needed, then moved to .archive/last

  • [delete age] segments are deleted

  • [delete age] [dirty] a segment that needs to be both repacked and deleted, gets deleted without repacking

  • [archive age] [dirty] a segment that needs to be both repacked and archived, gets repacked before archiving

  • [unaligned] segments are not touched, to prevent deleting data that should be reindexed instead

Check and repack on dir segments

During check

  • the segment must be a directory [unaligned]

  • the size of each data file must match the data size exactly [corrupted]

  • the modification time of a directory segment can vary unpredictably, so it is ignored. The modification time of the sequence file is used instead.

  • if arkimet is interrupted during rollback of an append operation on a dir dataset, there are files whose name has a higher sequence number than the sequence file. This will break further appends, and needs to be detected and fixed. [unaligned]

  • the segment must exist [missing]

  • an empty segment not known by the index must be considered deleted [deleted]

  • all data known by the index for this segment must be present on disk [corrupted]

  • no pair of (offset, size) data spans from the index can overlap [corrupted]

  • data must start at the beginning of the segment [dirty]

  • there must be no gaps between data in the segment [dirty]

  • data must end at the end of the segment [dirty]

  • find segments that can only contain data older than archive age days [archive_age]

  • find segments that can only contain data older than delete age days [delete_age]

  • the span of reference times in each segment must fit inside the interval implied by the segment file name (FIXME: should this be disabled for archives, to deal with datasets that had a change of step in their lifetime?) [corrupted]

  • the segment name must represent an interval matching the dataset step (FIXME: should this be disabled for archives, to deal with datasets that had a change of step in their lifetime?) [corrupted]

  • data on disk must match the order of data used by queries [dirty]

  • segments not known by the index, but when the index is either missing, older than the file, or marked as needing checking, are marked for reindexing instead of deletion [unaligned]

  • format-specific consistency checks on the content of each file must pass [corrupted]

  • .metadata file must not be empty [unaligned]

  • .metadata file must not be older than the data [unaligned]

  • .summary file must not be older than the .metadata file [unaligned]

  • MANIFEST file must not be older than the .metadata file [unaligned]

  • if the index has been deleted, accessing the dataset recreates it empty, and a check will rebuild it. Until it gets rebuilt, segments not present in the index would not be considered when querying the dataset

  • metadata in the .metadata file must contain reference time elements [corrupted]

During --accurate check

During fix

  • [unaligned] fix low sequence file value by setting it to the highest sequence number found.

  • [unaligned] fix low sequence file value by setting it to the highest sequence number found, with one file truncated / partly written.

  • [dirty] segments are not touched

  • [unaligned] segments are imported in-place

  • [missing] segments are removed from the index

  • [corrupted] segments can only be fixed by manual intervention. They are reported and left untouched

  • [archive age] segments are not touched

  • [delete age] segments are not touched

During repack

  • [dirty] segments are rewritten to be without holes and have data in the right order. In concat segments, this is done to guarantee linear disk access when data are queried in the default sorting order. In dir segments, this is done to avoid sequence numbers growing indefinitely for datasets with frequent appends and removes.

  • [missing] segments are removed from the index

  • [corrupted] segments are not touched

  • [archive age] segments are repacked if needed, then moved to .archive/last

  • [delete age] segments are deleted

  • [delete age] [dirty] a segment that needs to be both repacked and deleted, gets deleted without repacking

  • [archive age] [dirty] a segment that needs to be both repacked and archived, gets repacked before archiving

  • [unaligned] segments are not touched, to prevent deleting data that should be reindexed instead