Matching reference times

Syntax: reftime:<operator><date>[,<operator><date>...]

A reftime matcher is a sequence of expressions separated by a comma. All the expressions are ANDed together.

Valid operators are: >=, >, <=, <, ==, =.

For example: reftime:=2010-05-03 12:00:00 matches midday on the 3rd of May.

A date can be specified partially, and it will be considered as a time interval. For example, reftime:=2007-01 matches from midnight of the 1st of January 2007 to 23:59:59 of the 31st of January 2007, inclusive.

It is also possible to specify the time, without the date: >=12, >=12:00 and >=12:00:00 all mean “between midday and midnight of any day”. >12 means “from 13:00:00 until midnight”. =12 means “from 12:00:00 to 12:59:59”.

Finally, it is possible to specify a time step: >=2007-06-05 04:00:30%12h means “anything from 04:00:30 June 5, 2007, but only at precisely 04:00:30 and 18:00:30”.

The time step can be given in hours, minutes, seconds or any of their combinations. For example: 12h, 30m, 12h30m15s.

Dates and times can also be specified relative to the curren time:

  • now: current date and time

  • today: current date

There are also aliases for commonly used bits:

  • reftime:=yesterday is equivalent to reftime:=today - 1 day

  • reftime:=tomorrow is equivalent to reftime:=today + 1 day

  • reftime:=midday is equivalent to reftime:=12:00:00

  • reftime:=noon is equivalent to reftime:=12:00:00

  • reftime:=midnight is equivalent to reftime:=00:00:00

Dates can be altered using +, -, ago, before, after.

For example:

  • reftime:=2 days before yesterday is equivalent to reftime:=today - 3 days

  • reftime:=1 hour and 30 minutes after tomorrow midnight is equivalent to reftime:=tomorrow 01:30:00

  • reftime:=1 hour after today midday is equivalent to reftime:=today 13:00:00

  • reftime:=processione san luca 2010 is equivalent to reftime:=34 days after easter 2010

You can use arki-dump --query 'reftime:...' to check how a query gets parsed.


Given reftime 2010-09-08 07:06:05:

Year intervals:

  • reftime:>=2010 matches

  • reftime:<=2010 matches

  • reftime:==2010 matches

  • reftime:>2009 matches

  • reftime:<2011 matches

  • reftime:<2010 does not match

  • reftime:>2009,<2011 matches

  • reftime:>2009,<2010 does not match

Month intervals:

  • reftime:>=2010-09 matches

  • reftime:<=2010-09 matches

  • reftime:==2010-09 matches

  • reftime:>2010-08 matches

  • reftime:<2010-10 matches

  • reftime:<2010-09 does not match

  • reftime:>2010-08,<2010-10 matches

  • reftime:>2010-08,<2010-09 does not match

Day intervals:

  • reftime:>=2010-09-08 matches

  • reftime:<=2010-09-08 matches

  • reftime:==2010-09-08 matches

  • reftime:>2010-09-07 matches

  • reftime:<2010-09-09 matches

  • reftime:<2010-09-08 does not match

  • reftime:>2010-09-07,<2010-09-09 matches

  • reftime:>2010-09-07,<2010-09-08 does not match

Hour intervals:

  • reftime:>=2010-09-08 07 matches

  • reftime:<=2010-09-08 07 matches

  • reftime:==2010-09-08 07 matches

  • reftime:>2010-09-08 06 matches

  • reftime:<2010-09-08 08 matches

  • reftime:<2010-09-08 07 does not match

  • reftime:>2010-09-08 06,<2010-09-08 08 matches

  • reftime:>2010-09-08 06,<2010-09-08 07 does not match

Minute intervals:

  • reftime:>=2010-09-08 07:06 matches

  • reftime:<=2010-09-08 07:06 matches

  • reftime:==2010-09-08 07:06 matches

  • reftime:>2010-09-08 07:05 matches

  • reftime:<2010-09-08 07:07 matches

  • reftime:<2010-09-08 07:06 does not match

  • reftime:>2010-09-08 07:05,<2010-09-08 07:07 matches

  • reftime:>2010-09-08 07:05,<2010-09-08 07:06 does not match

Precise timestamps:

  • reftime:>=2010-09-08 07:06:05 matches

  • reftime:<=2010-09-08 07:06:05 matches

  • reftime:==2010-09-08 07:06:05 matches

  • reftime:>2010-09-08 07:06:04 matches

  • reftime:<2010-09-08 07:06:06 matches

  • reftime:<2010-09-08 07:06:05 does not match

  • reftime:>2010-09-08 07:06:04,<2010-09-08 07:06:06 matches

  • reftime:>2010-09-08 07:05:04,<2010-09-08 07:06:05 does not match

Hour expressions:

  • reftime:=07 matches

  • reftime:>06 matches

  • reftime:<08 matches

  • reftime:>07 does not match: same as >=08

  • reftime:=07:06 matches

  • reftime:>07:05 matches

  • reftime:<08:00 matches

  • reftime:>07:06 does not match: same as >=07:07

  • reftime:=07:06:05 matches

  • reftime:>07:06:04 matches

  • reftime:<07:06:06 matches

  • reftime:>07:06:05 does not match

  • reftime:<07:06:05 does not match

Time steps:

  • reftime:>=2010-09-08 %5s matches

  • reftime:%5s matches

  • reftime:%2s does not match