Read the output of arki-query --inline

The output of arki-query --inline is the same as is given as standard input to arkimet processors, so this recipe can be used both to work on exported data, and to implement arikmet processors.

The examples that follow use a placeholder process_metadata function to act on the parsed metadata. Here’s an example of such a function:

counter = 0
def process_metadata(md: arkimet.Metadata):
    counter += 1
    print(f"Received metadata #{counter}")

Reading as a dataset

Note: this only works if the data is saved on a real file.

This creates an arkimet.Dataset object that accesses the file:

ds = arki.dataset.Reader({
    "format": "arkimet",
    "name": "input",
    "path": filename,
    "type": "file",

You can then iterate over it:

for md in ds.query_data(...):

Or let arkimet do the iteration by passing a callback:


Arkimet’s python bindings do not support streaming iteration over results: in the first case, ds.query_data will return a list of metadata after scanning the whole file, while in the second case the callback is called on metadata as the file is being read.

Reading from standard input

Standard input does not allow seeking, which would be required to access it as a dataset. arkimet.Metadata.read_bundle can be used to read it sequentially:

arkimet.Metadata.read_bundle(sys.stdin.buffer, dest=process_metadata)