Matching levels


Syntax: level:GRIB1,leveltype,l1,l2

Any of leveltype, l1, or l2 can be omitted; if omitted, any value will match.


Given level GRIB1(1) (Surface level, with no parameters):

  • level:GRIB1 matches

  • level:GRIB1,1 matches

  • level:GRIB1,2 does not match

  • level:GRIB1,1,0 does not match

Given level GRIB1(103, 1000) (Simple level: altitude above MSL):

  • level:GRIB1 matches

  • level:GRIB1,103 matches

  • level:GRIB1,103,1000 matches

  • level:GRIB1,1 does not match

  • level:GRIB1,103,1001 does not match

  • level:GRIB1,103,1000,1000 does not match

Given level GRIB1(104, 123, 223) (Layer between two altitudes):

  • level:GRIB1 matches

  • level:GRIB1,104 matches

  • level:GRIB1,104,,223 matches

  • level:GRIB1,104,123 matches

  • level:GRIB1,104,123,223 matches

  • level:GRIB1,103,123 does not match

  • level:GRIB1,104,123,222 does not match

GRIB2 single level

Syntax: level:GRIB2S,type,scale,value

Any of type, scale, or value can be omitted; if omitted, any value will match.


Given level GRIB2S(103, 0, 1000):

  • level:GRIB2S matches

  • level:GRIB2S,103 matches

  • level:GRIB2S,103,0,1000 matches

  • level:GRIB2S,103,0 matches

  • level:GRIB2S,103,,1000 matches

  • level:GRIB2S,103,1,1000 does not match

  • level:GRIB2S,103,0,1001 does not match

GRIB2 layer

Syntax: level:GRIB2D,type1,scale1,value1,type2,scale2,value2

Any of the parameters can be omitted; if omitted, any value will match.

Given level GRIB2D(103, 0, 1000, 103, 0, 1100):

  • level:GRIB2D matches

  • level:GRIB2D,103 matches

  • level:GRIB2D,103,0,1000 matches

  • level:GRIB2D,103,0 matches

  • level:GRIB2D,103,,1000 matches

  • level:GRIB2D,103,,,103,, matches

  • level:GRIB2D,103,0,1000,103,0,1100 matches

  • level:GRIB2S,103,0,1000 does not match

  • level:GRIB2D,102 does not match

  • level:GRIB2D,103,1,1000,103,1,1100 does not match

ODIMH5 layer

Syntax: level:ODIMH5,val1 val2 val3 .... [offset value]

Match any elevation angle equal to given values, offset value is the maximum allowed tollerance.

Syntax: level:ODIMH5,range minval maxval

Match any elevation between the given min and max values.


Given level ODIMH5(0.5, 5.5, 10.5):

  • level:ODIMH5, 0.5 matches

  • level:ODIMH5, 0.5 5.5 10.5 offset 0.5 matches

  • level:ODIMH5, range 5 20 matches

  • level:GRIB2S,103,0,1000 does not match

  • level:GRIB2D,102 does not match

  • level:GRIB2D,103,1,1000,103,1,1100 does not match