Matching time ranges

Some time range matchers use time unit suffixes. Here is a table with their meaning:

  • s: seconds

  • m: minutes

  • h: hours

  • d: days

  • mo: months

  • y: years

When unit suffixes are used, all time values are normalised to either seconds or months, according to what is appropriate. This means it is possible to use seconds to match a time range expressed in hours, or to use years to match a time range expressed in months, but it is not possible to use months to match a time range expressed in days, because months have a variable number of days.


Syntax: timerange:GRIB1,type,p1,p2

Any of type, p1, or p2 can be omitted; if omitted, any value will match.

p1 and p2 must have a time unit suffix (any of s,m,h,d,mo,y) unless they are 0.


Given timerange GRIB1(0, 6h) (6-hours forecast)

  • timerange:GRIB1,0 matches

  • timerange:GRIB1,0,6h matches

  • timerange:GRIB1,0,360m matches

  • timerange:GRIB1,0,21600s matches

  • timerange:GRIB1,1 does not match

  • timerange:GRIB1,0,6m does not match

Given timerange GRIB1(2, 6h, 12h) (valid between reftime+6h and reftime+12h):

  • timerange:GRIB1,2 matches

  • timerange:GRIB1,2,6h,12h matches

  • timerange:GRIB1,2,6h matches (partial match also works)

  • timerange:GRIB1,1 does not match

  • timerange:GRIB1,2,6m,12m does not match


Syntax: timerange:GRIB2,type,unit,p1,p2

Any of type, unit, p1 or p2 can be omitted; if omitted, any value will match.

Unit is given explicitly and p1,p2 do not use suffixes.


Given timerange GRIB2(0, 1, 6h, 0h) (6-hours forecast):

  • timerange:GRIB2,0 matches

  • timerange:GRIB2,0,1,6 matches

  • timerange:GRIB2,0,1,6,0 matches

  • timerange:GRIB2,1 does not match

  • timerange:GRIB2,0,1,5 does not match

  • timerange:GRIB2,0,2,6 does not match

  • timerange:GRIB2,0,0,360 does not match


Syntax: timerange:Timedef,fcstep,proctype,proclen

  • fcstep is the forecast step

  • proctype is the type of statistical processing (use - for data with no statistical processing)

  • proclen is the time duration the interval for statistical processing

Any of fcstep, proctype, proclen can be omitted; if omitted, any value will match.


Given timerange Timedef(6h) (6-hours forecast):

  • timerange:Timedef,6h matches

Given timerange Timedef(6h, 0, 3h) (6-hours forecast, average over 3 hours):

  • timerange:Timedef,6h,0,3h matches: 6hours forecast, average over 3 hours

  • timerange:Timedef,,0,3h matches: all averages over 3 hours

  • timerange:Timedef,3h does not match

  • timerange:Timedef,,1,3h does not match


Syntax: timerange:BUFR,val

val can be omitted; if omitted, any value will match.

val must have a time unit suffix (any of s,m,h,d,mo,y) unless it is 0.


Given timerange BUFR(6h) (6-hours forecast):

  • timerange:BUFR matches

  • timerange:BUFR,6h matches

  • timerange:BUFR,360m matches

  • timerange:BUFR,21600s matches

  • timerange:BUFR,0 does not match

  • timerange:BUFR,6m does not match