arkimet.bbox package


arkimet.bbox.bbox module

class arkimet.bbox.bbox.BBox[source]

Infrastructure for computing bounding boxes from arkimet areas

by_style = {'GRIB': [<function bbox_grib>], 'ODIMH5': [<function bbox_odimh5>], 'VM2': [<function bbox_vm2>]}
compute(t: Dict[str, Any]) List[Tuple[float, float]][source]
classmethod register(style: str, bbox: Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[List[Tuple[float, float]]]])[source]

arkimet.bbox.common module

arkimet.bbox.common.utm2ll(x, y)[source]

Convert UTM to Lat-Lon

arkimet.bbox.common.utm2ll2(x, y, falseEasting, falseNorthing, zone)[source]

Convert UTM to Lat-Lon (more complete version used for GRIB2)

arkimet.bbox.grib module


Compute bounding boxes for GRIB areas

arkimet.bbox.odimh5 module


Compute bounding boxes for ODIM areas

arkimet.bbox.vm2 module


Compute bounding boxes for VM2 areas

Module contents

class arkimet.bbox.BBox[source]

Infrastructure for computing bounding boxes from arkimet areas

by_style = {'GRIB': [<function bbox_grib>], 'ODIMH5': [<function bbox_odimh5>], 'VM2': [<function bbox_vm2>]}
compute(t: Dict[str, Any]) List[Tuple[float, float]][source]
classmethod register(style: str, bbox: Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], Optional[List[Tuple[float, float]]]])[source]