arkimet.scan package


arkimet.scan.bufr module

class arkimet.scan.bufr.Scanner[source]
by_type = {}
classmethod register(type: str, scanner: Callable[[dballe.Message, arkimet.Metadata], None], priority=0)[source]
scan(msg: dballe.Message, md: arkimet.Metadata)[source]

Read the area from a BUFR containing a fixed station


Read the area from a BUFR containing a mobile station


Read a default proddef value for a message

arkimet.scan.common module

arkimet.scan.common.utm2ll(x, y)[source]

Convert UTM to Lat-Lon

arkimet.scan.common.utm2ll2(x, y, falseEasting, falseNorthing, zone)[source]

Convert UTM to Lat-Lon (more complete version used for GRIB2)

arkimet.scan.grib module

class arkimet.scan.grib.Grib

Access grib message contents


return the GRIB edition

get_long(str) int

return the long value of a grib key

class arkimet.scan.grib.Scanner[source]
by_edition = {}
classmethod register(edition: int, scanner: Callable[[arkimet.scan.grib.Grib, arkimet.Metadata], None], priority=0)[source]
scan(grib: arkimet.scan.grib.Grib, md: arkimet.Metadata)[source]

arkimet.scan.odimh5 module

class arkimet.scan.odimh5.Scanner[source]
classmethod register(scanner: Callable[[h5py._hl.files.File, arkimet.Metadata], None], priority=0)[source]
scan(pathname: str, md: arkimet.Metadata)[source]
scanners = []

arkimet.scan.timedef module

arkimet.scan.timedef.make_same_units(tr: Dict[str, Any])[source]

Make sure val1:unit1 and val2:unit2 are expressed using the same units.

arkimet.scan.vm2 module

Module contents